Melisa Urul 139621007


In this film, many universal issues have been tried to be told to us. The film begins with the protagonist Zain wanting to sue his own parents in the courtroom. When the judge asks the reason for the complaint, he answers, "Because they gave birth to me." To summarize briefly; Zain is a child trying to escape from the war in Syria and live in Beirut with his family, trying to support his family by selling various things on the street. They force his sister Sahar to marry a shopkeeper in the neighborhood because Zain's parents are extremely irresponsible, they give their daughter to that man because they can't pay the rent. Upon this, Zain runs away from the home. Zain meets an Ethiopian woman by chance and the event is connected to a different poverty here. This woman's name is Rahil and she has entered the country illegally just like Zain. Now Zain stays at her home and looks after her son while she  is at work. He does the brotherhood to Yonas, which he could not do to his own sister, until the last moment. Sadly, Yonas' mother goes to jail and Zain tries to take care of Yonas himself, but after a while, they both fall into the streets hungry. Zain finds the final solution to give Yonas to another family.He will collect his documents and go to Turkey or Sweden. Months later, he returns home and asks his family for their documents, but the documents are missing, and the government behave them like they never have been exist.Moreover, when he learned that his sister died because of her husband, he was angry that he killed his sister's husband and he went to the jail.The film makes us watch these as flashbacks from the courtroom scene we mentioned at the beginning.


Legitimacy is the acceptance of state authority and legality by the people. The people in Syria do not adopt the Esad’s regime and they do not recognize its legitimacy. In response, the Esad family ignores this disapproval of the people. This is one of the reasons that lead a state to become a failed state. His family is left in the middle of a devastation left behind by the failed state. Moreover, Zain and his family are not the only ones experiencing this. In refugee camps, on the border lines of neighboring countries, human communities are dragged from place to place in masses.Today, the aim of the modern state is to protect the interests of all people by using certain tools and methods with its institutionalized structures. State sovereignty is divided into internal and external sovereignty. In internal sovereignty, the state has to protect its borders; foreign sovereignty is to have an effective right to have a say in its relations with other states, free in the sense of international law. States that can’t achieve this internal and external balance first experience internal turmoil within their own citizens state building takes place. Thus, the state structures that have entered into unsuccessful state construction experience problems in many areas such as economic, social and social. The state is no longer able to provide many services that it should provide to the citizen. Refugees are always regarded as second-class citizens. For example, a baby who born there can’t benefit from the state's opportunities in terms of health or education. We see this example in Zain and his siblings. In Beirut, the city where they lived and were born, they do not have the right to go to school because there is no document proving that they are citizens. Since they do not have education, the rate of involvement in crime is high. Especially girls start to get married as soon as they become an adult in the society described in the movie. .Marriage is seen as an economic door apart from social norms. The number of individuals in the house will decrease, so Zain, who tried to hide his sister's period, unfortunately he failed in his effort. It's also important to note that failed states are not just a problem for the countries theirselves, but also for the international community. Failed states can serve as a source of refugees and immigrants, creating political and economic challenges for neighboring countries and for countries of destination. They can also serve as a source of instability and insecurity, with the potential to spill over into neighboring countries. Thanks to this movie, we see the deplorable situation in the Middle East, which we mostly discuss in terms of Western-centered countries today, such as refugees, immigration, and illegal labor taking. On the one hand, the poorest of the country, on the other hand, those who had to come from Syria due to the war and those who threw themselves into this country in the hope of finding a job are before us. Failed states and refugee issues are closely related, as state failure can often lead to large-scale displacement of people. When a state is unable to provide basic security and public services, individuals and communities may flee to escape violence, persecution, or poverty.Refugees from failed states often face significant challenges, as they may be forced to leave behind their homes, possessions, and communities. They may also struggle to find safety and basic necessities such as food and shelter.Refugee camps are often overcrowded and lack basic services such as sanitation and healthcare. This can lead to poor living conditions and increased vulnerability to disease and violence.Refugees from failed states may also face challenges in finding long-term solutions. Some may be able to return to their home country if and when the situation improves, while others may choose to resettle in a different country. However, the process of resettlement can be lengthy and difficult, and many refugees may end up living in limbo for years.International organizations such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) play a crucial role in providing assistance to refugees and helping to find solutions for those who have been forced to flee from their homes. But this aid situation is not the same for all refugees. As we saw in Zain and his family, the state is not even aware of their existence. Therefore, they can easily be pushed into crime due to unemployment, lack of education. As it can be seen, the failure of a state brings many problems; people live where they live, war, war, He has to leave for various reasons such as lack of service. In the movie, we see the difficulties experienced by this family who left the country they live in due to the war.


As a result, this film, which is universal in subject matter, successfully shows us how a failed state affects people. We witness the difficulties that Zain and his family experience in many ways in their new place of residence. Failed states affect and change people, societies and neighboring countries in different ways. All these events and difficulties in the film are actually a destruction left behind by the failed state.
